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The third REVOLUTIONARY Process. The Power of Money.
In the past, revolutions have been initiated and activated locally. This third revolution is going to be initiated from the diaspora ignited and transferred effectively in the intended countries. It is agreed that Revolutions have always started amongst a small number of people, sometimes clandestinely and over time surface and grow momentum to embrace a whole nation, thereby ushering a profound CHANGE within society.
The first comp temporary African revolution was the colonial revolution that brought about independence in some countries peacefully and in other countries through bloody wars of liberation.
The second revolution was the neocolonial revolution, which ushered in multiparty politics, private sector participation in economic development, freedom of the press with some semblance of democracy. However this second neocolonial revolution is far from achieving the desired democratic results in some countries as vestiges of military turn civilian dictatorial rule, monarchical rule and family hegemonic rule still persist in many African countries today amongst which the Gambia since 1994. In essence democracy and elections in some countries are words enshrine in constitutions that do not translate into genuine democracy and free and transparent elections in practice. Some presidents have ruled their countries until the day they die. That is not democracy.
Hence the need for a third revolution that I will describe the contours here below:
Social scientist and political scientist agree that revolutions are a process. As in any process, it comes into being, develops and goes out of being over time and space.
Today all the world financial institutions, NGO’s and governments have agreed that in recent years, the money transfers made by the African immigrant workers of all categories back home are by far greater than the FDI, Multilateral and Bilateral aids, funds and grants in many countries. What does this mean? It means the immigrants have a POWERFUL weapon in their hands, (Money) never tested before.
This weapon must now be TESTED to ascertain its strength and effects. A country without enough money to feed its population is bound to face social crisis and will eventually destabilize a government of the day.
In Africa it is hard to produce statistics on unemployment but looking at the number of youths wanting to risk their lives to reach the western world is an indicator of how precarious the employment level is in our countries. It is also hard to ascertain the ratio of the local population fed, educated and treated by the immigrant workers but one can safely predict that over 40% of the local population in the Gambia and elsewhere, directly or indirectly depends on foreign transfers made by immigrant relatives and friends for their SURVIVAL and upkeep.
From the above FACT, it is evident that if the immigrant workers of a particular country desire for a change of government or a law of the land, this type of revolutionary PRESSURE can trigger a deep REACTION in the intended countries. The national governments and the International communities are well aware of this FACT but they prefer not to talk about it much as it can bring down governments faster that the barrel of a gun.
Fellow Gambians, we have been asking the Western World to put economic SANCTIONS on Jammeh’s regime and the EU has responded positively with its 17 human right points before releasing further monies to Jammeh. What about us the immigrants putting our own economic and financial PRESSURE on Jammeh? It is our turn to complement the EU efforts. Let us delay sending money at home for three months and see what will happen. People will go hungry, businesses will slow down, taxes collections will go down, financial institutions transactions will slow down, foreign exchange inflows will be affected, people will grow angry and reckless even the local security personal that depend on it will feel the pinch and will also react.
Yaya Jammeh will TREMBLE knowing very well that he cannot feed 50% of a hungry population for three good months. He does not have the capacity. In a nutshell it can create civil unrest, demonstrations and commotions, it can create riots, it can bring down governments and presidents faster than we think. Depending on the calls for change made by the diaspora, desired results can be achieved simply by withholding funds for a specific period of time. It will work. The immigrants will be rightfully respected. We should not allow our selves be treated as dogs and unworthy sons and daughters of the Gambia by Yaya Jammeh, we have enough of the undeserved humiliations.
Whiles knowing very well that it will not be as easy as said, sacrifices are needed by immigrant actors to achieve CHANGE in the Gambia. Emotions, parental blackmailing, “Dinala nian yala” and too much sympathy need to WAIT whiles regime change take place. Some will say, I left my children with my family back home, some will say I have to pay for medical bills for my this and that, others will say I am the only breadwinner in the family and yet others will simply not participate in the revolution as in all other revolutions.
People at home should also understand that they have a role to play in the struggle as any of us in the diaspora. They should shed the fragile fear of the NIA and turn their back from Jammeh, all of us have to play a part in order to bring Jammeh’s regime down and out. However if only 40% of the immigrant benefactors apply the decision, the revolution will succeed. As ALL Gambians will enjoy the post Jammeh era, it is therefor incumbent on all of us to participate in Jammeh’s downfall. Freedom is worth the price. Going in and out of the Gambia freely is worth the price.
This revolution does not need guns, it does not need underground activities, there is be no fear to be arrested, tortured, imprisoned or killed. Then why fear for its application? All it needs is coordination and information.
The world sympathizes with us, Institutions and foreign governments are doing what they can do diplomatically to isolate Jammeh but it is ONLY incumbent us Gambians to free ourselves from Jammeh’s devil grip.
The immigrant revolutionaries are far away from home, residing in powerful democratic and law-abiding countries in the West where no African dictator has his word, hand or power. The FEAR factor in this case is totally absent.
Now fellow immigrant folks, when shall we apply this third revolution to our condition in order to bring down Jammeh ruthless and criminal regime in Banjul?
Do we have the willingness, the guts to be the liberators of our enslaved people at home? Do we want to let Jammeh continue confiscating our freedoms and victimizing our people? Do we want see Zainab Suma Jammeh flying in and out of the Gambia with impunity, wastage and arrogance? For those of you who are so vocal in the struggle, don’t you want to go home as you like with a peace of mind?
Do we want to let Yaya Jammeh hand over the best part of the Gambian economy to foreign Lebanese businessmen? Do we want to let Jammeh continue manipulating the exchange rate to his personal advantage? Do we want to continue speculating on who the next person to be tortured and killed by Jammeh’s convoy? Do we want to continue speculating who will be the next government official to arrested, tortured and imprisoned on flimsy charges? Do we want to continue living the never ending bullying acts of a devil worshipper president? Do we want to continue listening to Jammeh insulting our parents and elders? Do we want to continue watching Jammeh prostituting our young girls and reducing the young boys to drug addicts in criminal activities? When will we have the RIGHT to vote in the diaspora? Don’t we have the right to choose our leaders whiles living abroad as in other countries? Aren’t we the biggest contributors in the welfare of our people at home?
Don’t we have ENOUGH of Yaya Jammeh? Aren’t we tired of waiting for CHANGE to come?
Even those who will not participate in this noble revolutionary action have enough of Jammeh rule. Yes each and every Gambian have ENOUGH of Yaya Jammeh.
Gambians all over the world have spoken loud and clear, the single word spoken is always “ENOUGH” of Jammeh.
Now is the time to ACT, action that will not have you arrested, actions that will spark positive change, action that can usher a New Gambia where Justice, Freedom and Peace will shine again in the Smiling Coast.
I am sure when Jammeh reads this article, he will shake like a goat under the rains. He will start calling you illegitimate sons and daughters of the Gambia but will never mention that his despotic government cannot feed the Gambian population. He will never acknowledge your invaluable contribution in keeping the social cohesion intact. He will never thank you for contributing your quota to national development. He will never compliment you for ANYTHING whatsoever, never.
He will never give you the RIGHT to vote in the diaspora. He will continue calling you dogs and donkeys, slaves of the White men, dishwashers and potters, unpatriotic Gambians period. Jammeh will never praise or recognize the many Gambian intellectuals, doctors, engineers, professors, lawyers, professionals and ordinary workers who send money on a monthly basis to help the people at home.
Jammeh is only good at backlashing, castigating, fear mongering and brutalizing Gambians at home. On top of it all, Jammeh always tells us to GO to HELL.
The beauty of this revolution is that when change comes to Gambia the immigrants will bring money, investments, creativity, innovations and expertise at home
Fellow Gambians this simple third revolution is yet a powerful TOOL to be tested for shaking dictators out of power and also rectifying deep flaws in the laws of our countries. They know it and we know it, now let’s DO IT for good sake. I also know you can't just want and wish change. You've got to fight for it, too.
Let the Gambians show the world what this third revolutionary action can do to bring about a CHANGE is a poor dictatorial regime. Money is power, so it is.
Who can STOP this revolution? No one. Certainly Jammeh and his thugs in Banjul cannot stop the tide when the immigrant workers call the SHOTS.
Fellow Gambians in the diaspora, you have a powerful tool in hands and it is up to you to use it successfully. It is up to you to free your people from bondage and servitude.
People in the Gambia will have no choice but to rise up to topple jammeh’s regime as soon as you decide that this revolutionary action will be activated by Gambians in the diaspora. Your freedom is on your hands, now is your turn to show Jammeh that he is as VULNERABLE as his terrified victims at home.
The mission is simple and couldn't be more important right now: Organizing and coordinating at the grassroots level to make sure ordinary folks get a SAY in the Gambia.
It’s time for ACTION. It’s time to take back your country.
From: Mansamusa.