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10 Richest Asia’s Families Control a Fortune of Over $300 billion, More Than GDP of 60 Poorest Countries


Asia is home to some of the world’s richest families that have accumulated wealth across different generations. As families accumulate more wealth, they continue to dwarf poor countries with struggling economies.

Data presented by Buy Shares indicates that the top ten wealthiest families in Asia control a cumulative fortune of $307.31 billion as of November 2020. India’s Ambani family, known for Reliance Industries, is the wealthiest family, with the wealth amounting to $76 billion. Chinese Sy family ranks as the tenth richest family in Asia with a fortune of $19.70 billion.

  10564 lectures

Top 10 Richest People worth More than Bottom 85 Poorest Countries GDP


Data gathered and calculated by indicates that the world’s top ten richest people have a combined wealth more than the bottom 85 poorest countries based on GDP. According to the data, the top ten richest people have a cumulative wealth of $858.1 billion while the 85 countries have a combined GDP of $813.5 billion.

Top 10 richest people have more wealth than Saudi Arabia’s GDP

  10874 lectures

20th Century’s Richest 5 Moguls Worth 3 Times More Than World’s Current Top 5 Billionaires


Data gathered and calculated by indicates that the top five richest people of the 20th currently have a combined net worth of $1.62 trillion. With inflation adjustments, the data shows that this group had a cumulative net worth of  $63 billion in 1913.

20th century billionaires distributed across the world

  10200 lectures