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GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture
February 25 | KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
The GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum, aimed at attracting investment in the agricultural sector in Congo-Brazzaville, will be held on the 25th of February 2020 at the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The GrowCongo! Forum is brought to you by the Republic of Congo and the World Bank and will put the development of the agricultural sector of Congo-Brazzaville at the center of the discussion during the Forum. Prime Minister Clément Mouamba of the Republic of Congo will officially open GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture.
- Opening speeches by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo; the Congolese Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; the World Bank; FAO; IFAD and the Government of the Netherlands
- Overview of Congo’s ‘National Development Plan’ for agriculture
- Panel about the investment and business climate in the Republic of Congo
- First round of break-out sessions. Themes include: horticulture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture and agro-logistics
- Second round of break-out sessions. Focusing on: public-private partnerships, agricultural education, energy and irrigation solutions for agriculture, smart and climate-resilient agriculture
- Plenary panel discussion: financing an inclusive Congolese agriculture sector
- Three invite-only Round Tables. Topics: Cocoa, Cassava and Seeds
HE Clément Mouamba Mr Roberto Ridolfi HE Henri Djombo
HE Clément Mouamba, Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo
HE Henri Djombo, Minister of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Republic of Congo
Mr. Roberto Ridolfi, Assistant Director General, FAO
Mr. John Hurley, Lead Economist for West and Central Africa, IFAD
HE Ingrid Eboucka-Babakas, Minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration, Republic of Congo
Mr. Didier Mavouezela, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Pointe Noire
Mrs. Annick Mongo, Director of API-Congo (The Investment Promotion Agency)
Mr. Rui Frederico Barreto, Managing Director, La Poule Qui Rit
Mr. Séraphin Bhallat, Director of the Port of Pointe Noire
Mr. Patrick Sevaistre, President of the Commission for relations with EU-Countries, CIAN
Mr. Ivan Ovando-Lacroux, Geo Coordinator Republic of Congo, European Union
Mr. Jean-Martin Bauer, World Food Programme Country Representative in the Republic of Congo*Definite participation is subject to approval by the organizers.Brought to you by:
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