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African Bicycle Contribution Foundation (ABCF) Chairman and Executive Director Visit Ejisu, Ashanti Region, in Ghana, from the U.S., as part of the Distribution of 50 Additional Free Bamboo Bikes to Students and Teachers

The ABCF/Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative (GBBI) partnership will also distribute free bikes to Kumbungu Senior High School students in Ghana's Northern Region, next week.
KUMASI, Ghana, March 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/Asianet-Pakistan-- Officials of the African Bicycle Contribution Foundation (ABCF) today visited Ghana, from the U.S., to participate in an event, at Boama Dumase, in Ejisu-Juabeng Municipal, Ashanti Region, as part of a two-day program in which ABCF will distribute a total of 50 additional free bamboo bikes in Ejisu, today, and next week, at the Kumbungu Senior High School, in Ghana's Northern Region.
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